Monday 27 June 2011

Who are you and what are you doing on the internet?


The name’s Kermz. Mr. Kermz. I'm grumpy, cynical and pessimistic. My philosophy in life: no matter how good something is, there's always something bad about it. I like to find that something bad. That's not to say I don't appreciate quality, I'm just fussy.

What Mr. Kermz probably looks like

This blog will review movies, music, television and video games. I'll post reviews of anything that catches my attention, for good or bad reasons. This is my first time blogging, so any feedback and comments will be appreciated. Please try not being a whinny little bitch about it. Alright then guys, let’s begin this wonderful journey together!*

*dies a little inside


  1. good luck with this wonderful bright journey ma suuuuuuuun! that we got hte gay out of the way - you really need to review drive angry - which i still hate you for.

  2. Hah no way I'm watching that again.

  3. Haha, love that pic of what you might look like!
