Thursday 14 July 2011

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2011) Review

Another movie being overlooked thanks to a limited release is the horror comedy Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. In fact, limited release is a bit of an understatement as, apart from film festivals dating way back to January 2010, the film is yet to see the light of day in America; this despite already being released in Kazakhstan, Estonia, Russia and Germany amongst others. Strange stuff. Nonetheless, the film was a bit hit at film festivals and is currently scheduled for a September 2011 American release.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is a horror comedy which parodies the horror genre, taking inspiration from slasher flicks. Tucker (Alan Tudyk) and Dale (Tyler Labine) are two regular countryside hillbillies off to the woods to work on fixing up Tucker’s newly acquired vacation cabin. Unfortunately for them, this happens to be the same place a group of college kids chose to go camping. When one of the college kids (Katrina Bowden) hits her head and falls into a lake, the duo heroically come to her rescue, only to be seen as kidnappers by her friends who set about trying to rescue her from the “evil” hillbillies. This is pretty much the premise of the whole movie. The college kids see two raggedy hillbillies putting an unconscious girl in their boat, while the hillbillies see crazy college kids trying to attack them. Suffice to say, thanks to further misunderstandings, things continue to escalate.

Tucker and....? (Its Dale)
What is interesting here is that the movie flips around your standard, horror movie conventions. This time it’s the creepy looking hillbillies being chased around the woods by a bunch of college kids which is what makes the scenario so amusing. It does a good job of  challenging social stereotypes and reminds us to never judge a book by its cover. This is pretty much the basis of the humour though, so you could call it a one joke movie. Thankfully, it’s a funny joke, even if the last third of the movie does feel a bit light on comedy. I like to think of it as a poor man’s Shaun of The Dead. Go into it expecting good old fashioned laughs and you will be entertained. 

Yep. Another one to avoid if you're squeamish.
 The cast are a mixed bag with Tucker and Dale being the two standouts. Tudyk (Firefly!) and Labine (Reaper) have great on screen chemistry and both put in excellent performances. The rest of the cast are alright, if not spectacular. To be fair to the college kids, their roles were incredibly one dimensional, so they did the best with what they were given. Bowden did her damsel in distress routine, crazy college kid did his deranged maniac routine. Nothing outstanding, but we should be grateful they weren't laughably bad.

Because everyone loves Firefly.
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil isn't anything special or groundbreaking, but that's clearly not what it set out to be. It's a silly, hilarious parody that is good for plenty of laughs and entertainment. 

Score – 7.5/10

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